Brief History of the Department

At the inception of the University in 1960, courses in Statistics were taught in the Department of Mathematics.  This continued until 1962 when the Department metamorphosed into the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Astronomy.  This new name emphasized the various available options.  The department grew very rapidly.


The great need for manpower in the areas of Mathematics and Statistics led to the urgent need to create an environment where these two disciplines would be better developed to face the challenges ahead.  So in 1973, two separate departments – the Department of Statistics and the Department of Mathematics were created from the Department of Mathematics; thus the Department of Statistics was born in October 1973 and by that it became the first full-fledged Department of Statistics in the Nigerian University system.


Currently, the Department of Statistics runs two academic programmes in undergraduate level. These programmes are Statistics and Statistics/Economics. The Statistics programme has four-year and three-year standard undergraduate degree programmes. The Statistics/Economics programme is only a four-year standard undergraduate degree programme